Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What I Ate Wednesday: Stuff from Trader Joe's

A rather spotty banana.
Thin, crispy, buttery, oatmeal cookies made by a professor I work with.
Sideways spicy Wholly Guacamole and Central Market blue corn chips.
A cranberry-orange scone, also made by a professor I work with.
An array of delicious snacks from Trader Joe's at small group.
Grape Airhead.
Pistachio NUTMEATS! Makes me laugh.
Mini KitKats. I had one.
my favorite crackers
my favorite hummus
Steamed broccoli smells so bad.
Birthday Apple Pie from a student.
Birthday Dessert from The Honeymoon: Snicker doodle ice cream sandwich and a cold coffee cocktail.
Birthday Breakfast: Pumpkin Pancakes with Cinnamon Syrup and bacon.
[Not pictured: Super Tasty Shrimp and Grits from Zelko Bistro].

Birthday Morning Coffee
Birthday Morning Breakfast: Cheesy scrambled eggs, bacon, and a crumpet(!) with butter and jam from England. 
Salted caramel latte from Boomtown Coffee
Birthday Dinner from Riva's Italian: DELICIOUS Funchezzi chicken with Alfredo pasta and red wine.
My Birthday Cake!
a slice of cake
Leftover Birthday Apple Pie.
Birthday Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake from my boss. Why?
Birthday Sweet Potato Pie, made by another student. WHY??? I mean I'm grateful for it all, but WHY????
Tamales and chia seed yellow corn chips with queso and spicy Wholly Guacamole.

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