Friday, September 12, 2014

a day in the life

Last year I was inspired to do "a day in the life" post. To read more about that and why I did that, see the post here. Anyway, I think I've decided to make that a yearly tradition. On the same day every year. It will be interesting to see what my life is like every September 11 throughout the years (if I keep it up).

So, here we go: Thursday, September 11, 2014 in all its gory detail.

6:30 am My alarm goes off and the last thing on earth I want to do is get out of bed. The previous night was a late one due to fun conversations and cuddling. Also, I'm house and cat sitting for a friend.

7:12 am I finally get up, brush my teeth, and take a shower.

7:24 am I go through all my morning rituals: taking medication, putting lotion in my hair, watching the CBS morning news, eating cereal, making my lunch, putting on make up, getting dressed. All the while my friend's cat, Symba, is yelling at me for canned food. I made the mistake of feeding him canned food everyday for the first week that I was cat sitting and now he expects (nay, demands) it every morning. I stoically resist. I fill his dishes with fresh water and more DRY kitty chow and tell him to cool it.

8:05 am I leave the house, but immediately realize I need to get gas for my car. Ugh. I always put that off until the last possible second and it's always at the most inconvenient time. In order to stop at a gas station I had to drive further down the I-10 feeder than I normally do. I then found that getting onto I-10 was much more congested than it is at the Heights/Yale exit. Ugh again. As much as I like the Heights, it is not a convenient location to get out of....I-10, 610, Shepherd....they're all awful.

8:45 am I finally arrived at work. I checked my email, unlocked classroom doors, washed my coffee mug, made and drank the all precious coffee, double checked and printed out my department's final adjunct payroll, checked Facebook, talked to my friend Kristen via text about buying Maroon 5 tickets, and ate a cereal bar (I'm always most hungry in the morning hours).

9:45 am Spent some quality time talking with two of my favorite HBU students: Madi (my student worker) and Lynda.

10 am Talked to my mom on Google chat. Tried to buy presale tickets for Maroon 5, but discovered all that was available were the really expensive ones at the top of the venue. Decided to wait until Saturday to try to buy them again.

10:34 am Helped a random student with something

11 am Ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and talked to another favorite student: Reagan.

12 pm Ate some chocolate, had another cup of coffee (made and delivered by another favorite student: John), read a really good blog article on the rise of biblical counseling, Voxed with my friend Ashley

1:30 pm Chatted with another favorite student (I have a lot of favorites), Ethan, while he ate his lunch and I ate an apple. Printed something for John.

2:30 pm Took the signed adjunct payroll to the Associate Provost's office and chatted with another admin, Kelly. We lamented the more than 2 hours left in our work day.

3 pm I ate a child-sized cereal bar and chatted with Lynda, Evan, and Wesley (more favorite students).

4 pm I attempted to find out if cast iron skillets that have been used to cook non-halal meat can be used to cook halal meat... Texted a favorite alum, Haseeb, for guidance.

5 pm Finally got to drive home! Talked to my mother on the phone. Voxed more with Ashley

5:45 pm CRASHED on the couch. Attempted to watch The Daily Show and Colbert, but really fell fast asleep immediately.

6:30 pm Woke up to text and Vox with Ashley about out plans for the evening. Decided to wait until traffic had died down and meet for dessert instead of dinner. Went back to sleep.

7:30 pm Finally got up, changed clothes, ate some pita chip crumbs with hummus, and rushed out the door

8 pm Met Ashley at Red Dessert Dive where we shared a cookie-brownie hybrid and a salted caramel brownie. I also had a glass of red wine. The salted caramel brownie was crazy delicious, but I felt a little sick after wine, rich dessert, and a lack of a real dinner. So, we walked next door to Ruggles Green where Ash got a snack and I got a roasted chicken sandwich with sweet potato fries. So good! And I felt so much better afterwards.

9:30 pm Got home and straightened up the house a bit. Took a bath and texted with someone cute and sweet.

10:30 pm Got in bed (yay!) to watch Six Feet Under, but couldn't make it through the whole episode (I had taken a melatonin).

11 pm Went to sweet, sweet sleep!

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