Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What I Ate Wednesday: the beginning of the end

I was not very good at taking pictures this week.

And, I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I'm going to start the Shakeology program this week. The only reason I say I'm embarrassed is because I'm not one to jump on trends or hyped up, new products; it's just not me. I rarely believe sales pitches. And I still don't. I don't think Shakeology is some kind of a miracle product, with all the nutrition I'll ever need. I think it's a nutritional supplement and largely, a weight loss shake (to be blunt).

The reason I'm jumping on the bandwagon is because I'm in 2 weddings in less than a month and I'm making an effort to be super healthy (for me) until the wedding days (and hopefully, after). I'm hoping Shakeology will be a tasty meal replacement that will help curb my appetite and/or cravings. Even if the affect is just psychological, I'll take it.

One of the bride's sister-in-laws is a consultant for Shakeology, so she was able to convince me that I should give it a try. A couple of friends are joining in as well.

I will definitely keep the blog up-to-date with my thoughts on Shakeology.

Fage nonfat Greek yogurt with pineapple
Almond milk, 2 oatmeal cookies, and 5 strawberries. 
Spring mix with bell pepper, cucumber, and ranch dressing. 
Diet Coke and mixed nuts. 
Chardonnay at the Astros game. 
Flavored sparkling water from Walgreen's. Class.
Laurelwood Espresso Stout with an oatmeal cookie.
Inside is a DIVINE chocolate cookie from this new bakery in Houston. 
Peanut butter tart for my sister-in-law's birthday. 

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