Friday, June 3, 2011

Things I Liked in May

Scented Nail Polish
I went to the drugstore for some necessities and decided to splurge on some new nail polish. I was browsing rather quickly when I saw scented nail color. Crazy! I thought it sounded really cool and reminded me of childhood, when scented markers brought me great joy. I chose the metallic teal shade called "Ocean Breeze", which not surprisingly was scented like the ocean (not the literal ocean, that would be gross, but that perfume-y ocean smell :).

Watermelon Things
Last summer my mom bought me a whole variety pack of LipSmackers and I've been enjoying trying all the different scents. The watermelon one might be my favorite, it smelled so good, just like watermelon candy! Then, in the cafeteria at Multnomah one day, they put watermelon in our fruit water. There's a big container of water that they put different fruit in everyday - you never know what's going to be in it - but one day there was watermelon and it was delicious! Later in May when I had an awful stomach virus, as I was recovering, one of the only things that sounded good to eat was watermelon. I was kind of obsessed.

This Garfield

OK, actually I liked this all winter and spring, but in May I saw this little guy for the last time. At the church where I attended BSF in Portland someone had little stuffed Garfields in their office window. Call me weird, but for some reason this one always cracked me up...when I was in my more cynical moods....after Bible study...great.

Pink Snow
Around March the cherry trees start blooming in Portland. They bloom these almost ethereal pale pink to white flowers, and they're all flowers, no leaves (or at least that's what it looks like). And around late April/early May they started shedding their beautiful pink petals, which creates a snow like effect all over town. In Texas this occurs with crape myrtles. The wind blows and the air is filled with a flurry of flower petals and then they fall softly to the ground and rest in little piles and heaps of pink, fluffy, prettiness. It makes it feel like the whole city is celebrating a wedding or a little girl's birthday party or something.

Road Trip Home with my Dad
When I found out I was going to be moving from Portland to Houston my dad made plans to fly up and help me make the long drive. He flew to Seattle on a Saturday, I drove to Seattle and we had a fun day in that city. Then we went back to Portland, had a little fun, packed up and started driving back to Texas. We followed the exact same route I did in May 2010 with Henry: Boise, Idaho - Cheyenne, Wyoming - Childress, Texas - Houston! Except this time the weather was MUCH different. In 2010 it was fairly warm in all those places. In 2011 it was in the 30's in Wyoming and SNOWING! Crazzzy. The Texas heat never felt so good.
AJ & me


AJ Coming to Visit
Exactly one week after I got back to Houston my best friend AJ came to visit with Henry's sister Cali! I had not seen AJ and Cal since last August! It was really great to see them both and Henry LOVED seeing his sissy Cali. But it was also a little overwhelming. So many dramatic, emotional things happened in May. I'm hoping the next few months are relatively boring in comparison.

Dreyer's Lemon and Lime Ice Pops
Once again, when I had that stupid stomach virus, these were one of the only things that tasted good. If you like sour/tart lemon and lime stuff, you will love these! There are really, really good. Sick or not.

Things I didn't like...

Stomach Virus
As if May wasn't busy enough, at the very end of the month I developed a lovely stomach virus. Honestly, it was the sickest I've ever been. Miserable. I came down with it the day AJ and Cali left town and at the beginning of only my second week of work at my new job. Wonderful. Overall it lasted about a week, but I think it made me more grateful for the simple things in life. Like drinking a glass of water without immediately throwing it up.

1 comment:

InterestedCommentator4 said...

Glad you are feeling better now.